
多元文化教育与学校变革 被引量:4

Multicultural Education and School Reform
摘要 多元文化教育是一个涉及种族、族群、性别、阶层、语言、文化等诸多因素的复杂问题。随着多元文化教育研究的深入,对多元文化教育的误解逐渐出现,并引起研究者的关注。本文尝试对多元文化教育的误解进行梳理与分析,进而从多元文化教育的意蕴与维度澄清对其的误解。基于多元文化的视野,从学校变革整体图景的勾画、革新性课程变革的实施、文化敏感性教学的开展等层面探讨学校变革的路径。 Muhicultural education is a complex issue related to race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic class, language, appeared then tries and culture. With the in-depth study on muhicuhural education, the misconceptions about it gradually and attracted much attention. This paper analyzes the misconceptions about muhicultural education, and to clarify the misunderstanding from the implication and dimensions of muhicuhural education. The chief paths of school reform in the muhicultural perspective are as follows: to delineate the holistic prospect of school reform, to conduct the transformative curriculum reform, and to implement the culturally sensitive teaching.
作者 田友谊 林静
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期53-59,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 国家留学基金资助(201306775029)
关键词 多元文化教育 学校变革 革新性课程变革 文化敏感性教学 muhicultural education school reform transformative curriculum reform culturally sensitiveteaching
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