生物技术产业是世界范围内正在兴起的高新技术产业 ,生物科技园区 (生物谷 )是其发展与集中布局的典型载体。本文以国际主要生物科技园区为研究对象 ,对其经营与发展的条件、要素、产业体系、管理与运行机制等方面进行了对比研究。其研究结论对我国生物技术产业发展和布局具有重要借鉴意义。
Bio-tech research park is the major spatial manifestation of bio-tech industry in the present world. Several Bio-tech Research Parks including Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park, Germany-France-Switzerland Bio-valley and Gene Valley near Paris are surveyed from 5 perspectives of location conditions, elements integration, industrial system, management and service. The experiences of international bio-tech research parks can be summarized as: (1) to choose preferential locations; (2) to attract and develop essential factors; (3) to establish industrial innovation system; (4) to take the management model of modern enterprises. The bio-tech research parks in China mushroomed in recent years and their experiences in advanced regions mentioned in the paper are helpful for the rational development of the bio-tech research parks in China.
World Regional Studies