
集聚外部性、技术进步与区域产业增长——来自广东省制造业的证据 被引量:3

Agglomeration Externalities,Technical Progress and Regional Industrial Growth:Evidences from Manufacturing Industries in Guangdong Province
摘要 利用2000-2012年广东省地级市制造业数据,本文以技术进步为视角,在分析区域间制造业集聚程度的基础上,运用系统广义矩估计法研究制造业产业外部性效应与产业增长之间的动态关系,结果表明:广东省制造业在空间布局变化上有显著的"中心-外围"特征;产业集聚的外部性效应在不同的产业发展阶段下存在明显差异,其中多样化和竞争外部性对珠三角地区制造业产业增长具有积极效应,而其余地区则以专业化外部性为主;产业集聚的外部性优化了制造业的空间规模配置,其在促进内生技术因素投入水平的同时,提高了人均资本存量的投入产出比。最后,提出了促进广东省制造业增长的政策启示。 Based on the data of manufacturing industries in Guangdong Province from 2000-2012, this paper studies the relationship between industrial agglomeration externalities and regional industrial growth from the prospective of the technical progress. The GMM penal empirical analysis shows that, firstly, there is a significant "core-periphery" distributional pattern in Guangdong's manufacturing industries. Secondly, the agglomeration externalities have different characteristic impacts on different industrial developmental stages. The Competitive and diversified externalities in Zhujiang River Delta have positive impacts on production. But the rest area's industrial production benefits more from its professionalism. Thirdly, agglomeration externalities are proved to improve the endogenous factor in technical advancement and capital stock per capita.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第5期46-54,共9页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 广东省哲学社科"十二五"规划后期资助项目"广东制造业集聚:绩效与成因分析"(GD11HYJ01)的阶段性成果
关键词 集聚外部性 技术进步 区域产业增长 产业发展阶段 agglomeration externalities, technical advancement, regional industrial growth, stages of industrial development
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