

Expression and functional analysis of an alternative sigma factor,lsig B of Streptomyces rimous in E.coli
摘要 本文扩增了龟裂链霉菌中选择性调控因子的编码基因lsig B,并在大肠杆菌中进行异源表达。通过SDS-PAGE以及Western blotting方法鉴定Lsig B蛋白后,在多种环境压力下培养重组大肠杆菌。实验结果表明,Lsig B的表达使宿主菌对高温、渗透压、强氧化还原、乙醇以及多种抗生素胁迫的耐受性显著提高。所以Lsig B蛋白是一类能够对环境压力产生应答作用的调控因子,调控了菌体胁迫培养时的应激反应。同时本研究为深入研究Lsig B蛋白在龟裂链霉菌中的抗逆性功能奠定基础。 In this research,the gene IsigB encoding regulatory factors from Streptomyces rimosus was heterologous expressed in E.coli.After the identification of LsigB protein by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting,recombinant Ecoli was cultured under a variety of environment stress.The results showed that the expression of LsigB significantly enhanced the stress resistance of recombinant strains to heat, ehanol, oxygen and salt stress, together with antibiotic pressure.Therefore,the main function of LsigB respoding to environmental stress was demonstrated. Meanwhile,the study was to lay foundation for researching the resistance function of LsigB in Streptomyces rimosus.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期142-146,150,共6页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 龟裂链霉菌 sigma因子 大肠杆菌 Streptomyces rimous sigma factor Escherichia coli
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