
社会治理结构的层阶优化三定则 被引量:3

Three Principles of Optimizing Social Governance Structure
摘要 社会治理是在基本政治制度与文化传承基因的总领下,通过结构治理、制度安排、法规约束、道德养成、文明启迪等对国家、社会和民众形成良治的整体塑造。社会治理结构的科学解析,由内部逻辑严整的三大层阶组成:决策层(顶层)的公信力测度,施政层(中层)的执行力测度,受众层(基层)的响应力即社会公众的共振度测定。一个优化的社会治理结构以及社会公序良俗的养成,必然要寻求上述三大层阶各自优化状态下的交集最大化,亦即求解满足社会治理所追求的最大目标函数。一个良好的社会治理结构,取决于制定政策的科学性与艺术性的完美结合(取得最大的公信力),取决于施政过程的应变力和分散度趋于最优范围(将初始决策与区域特点完美结合),取决于基层民众的共振度和响应力。如果三者均达到优化程度的要求,则一个良好的社会治理结构必然出现。 Under the basic political institutions and traditional national cultural gene in a state, the social governance refers to lead the overall national, social, and individuals toward good-governance society through the structure optimization, institutional arrangement, constraints by the rules, shaping of moral behavior, and civilization and enlightenment of a good deed. For the scientific analysis of social governance structure, it consists of three hierarchy process in which their internal logic and functional order are rigid, limit conditions, and being prescribed. The first level is the decision-making layer (top-level), the second level is the execution layer or performance management (middle-level), and the last one is grassroots layer (basic-level). For the decision-making layer, the author used "degree of public confidence" as the instrument to estimate its optimal degree in the paper, such as (aa ab ac) (Y,Z,F)(ba bb bc)≈const (ca cb cc) In which, "Y, Z, F" are the percentage of total population who are support, neutral, and against to the regulation made by the decision-making layer, "aa, ab, ac…" are the transfer matrix, n is power, the "const" is constant. For the performance management level (middle-level), the author used "degree of executive ability" as the instrument to estimate its optimal degree. In the study, Pareto distribution is used to calculate the executive ability. For the grassroots level (basic-level), the author used "degree of resonance" as the instrument to estimate its optimal degree. So-called the optimizing social structure means to seek the intersection maximum of the three levels being optimized. In the conclusion of the article, there are some ideas about how to spread out the construction of social good-governance structure integrity. ( 1 ) Three hierarchy levels should be divided clearly. They are: top level (decision-making), middle level (execution), and low level (grassroots). The three levels have different functions and responsibilities for the social management system. (2)The scientific connotation and practicability (maximum of the "degree of public confidence") of the policy are the core of decision-making level. The flexibility and adaptability of the policy (maximum of the "degree of executive ability") is the core of administrative execution level. The understanding and recognition of the policy (maximum of the "degree of resonance") is the core of basic level. Above three dimensional functions have to obtain the optimal solution, it means the formation of a good social governance structure. (3)The author used "priori decision method" for the description of "degree of public confidence", used "dispersion model" for the description of "degree of executive ability", used "the Pareto distribution model" for the description of "degree of resonance ability". (4)In the paper, a framework of social governance structure reveals the common phenomenon of all countries of the world. The framework adapts quantitatively calculation for the goodness of social governance in any country of the world.
作者 牛文元
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2015年第1期61-70,共10页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 中科院创新团队项目(GH13041) 中科院科技政策与管理科学所重大研究任务项目(Y201201201)
关键词 社会治理结构 层阶 优化 social governance structure, good-governance, hierarchy level
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