
口腔麻醉助推器与卡萨尔必兰麻注射器的临床应用对比 被引量:3

Comparison of the Clinical Application of Anesthetic Injection Roll Booster and KAS CW Aspirating Syringe
摘要 目的对比口腔麻醉助推器与卡萨尔必兰麻注射器的临床应用价值。方法选取需拔除双侧前磨牙的患者100例,采用自体配对设计,即每位患者的左侧前磨牙采用卡萨尔必兰麻注射器进行局部麻醉(对照组),对侧前磨牙采用口腔麻醉助推器进行局部麻醉(实验组),对比两组患者的疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)、疼痛等级评分(PRS)、麻醉效果及麻醉药物使用剂量。结果实验组的VAS评分、PRS评分、麻醉药物使用剂量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组麻醉效果无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论相较于卡萨尔必兰麻注射器,应用口腔麻醉助推器进行麻醉可以减轻患者疼痛,且麻醉药物使用剂量较低。 Objective To compare the clinical application value of anesthetic injection roll booster andKAS CW aspirating syringe. Methods 100 patients whose two-side premolars need to be pulled outwere chosen in this study. The local anesthesia for the left side premolars of all the patients which wereselected as control group was conducted by KAS CW aspirating syringe, while that for the right sidepremolars of all the patients which were selected as experimental group was conducted by anestheticinjection roll booster. Then the VAS scores, PRS scores, anesthetic effects and anesthetic dosages of thetwo groups were measured and compared. Results The VAS scores, PRS scores and anesthetic dosagesof experimental group were significantly lower than those of control group(P〈0.05). There was nosignificant difference between the two groups in anesthetic effect(P〈0.05). Conclusion Compared withKAS CW aspirating syringe, the local anesthesia conducted by anesthetic injection roll booster with lessanesthetic dosage can release the pain of patients.
机构地区 青岛市口腔医院
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2015年第1期109-110,113,共3页 China Medical Devices
关键词 口腔麻醉助推器 卡萨尔必兰麻注射器 局部麻醉 VAS PRS anesthetic injection roll booster KAS CW aspirating syringe local anesthesia VAS PRS
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