
欧盟轨道交通安全统计年报解析 被引量:3

Annual Report of Railway Safety Performance in European Union
摘要 轨道交通安全和事故数据是安全管理依据和理论基础。欧盟依据铁路安全指令按年度发布的铁路安全统计报告,内容包括:事故趋势、主要事故、以共同安全指标为基本统计口径的事故指标、共同安全目标和风险水平的国家参考值,以及事故调查及管理、安全管理等。文章认为,建立公开的事故报告和统计制度是轨道交通安全管理的基本要求。 Railway safety data is the foundation of safety management and theoretical basis.An annual railway safety performance in the European Union is issued by Railway Safety Directive,its contents include:accident trends,major accidents,accident indicators of basic statistics on common safety indicators,common safety targets and risk level of the national reference value,accident investigation and management,safety management and more.The paper argues that an open system of accident notification and statistics is the basic requirement for railway safety management in China.
出处 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2015年第1期7-11,共5页 Urban Mass Transit
关键词 欧盟 轨道交通 法规 安全统计 EU rail transportation regulations safety statistics
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