
基于标签速度和滑动子窗口的RFID数据清洗算法 被引量:3

RFID Data Cleaning Algorithm Based on Tag Velocity and Sliding Sub-window
摘要 为提高非匀速RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)数据流情形下的数据清洗准确性,在传统数据清洗算法SMURF(statistical SMoothing for unreliable RFID data)的基础上,提出了一种基于标签速度和滑动子窗口的RFID数据清洗方法。该方法考虑到标签速度对滑动窗口调整的影响,依据标签速度动态调整置信度δ,同时进一步划分滑动窗口,对子窗口中的标签数据进行统计采样,并将其与整个滑动窗口的统计采样处理结果联合起来,以及时检测出标签的跃迁现象,从而准确判断标签的运动情况。实验表明,该方法有效地降低了平均错误率和积极读现象的出现频度,提高了数据准确性。 To improve the accuracy of data cleaning under the circumstances of non-uniform RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) data stream,on the basis of the classical algorithm SMURF(statistical SMoothing for unreliable RFID data),an algorithm was presented based on tag velocity and sliding sub-window to clean RFID data.The method considers the influence of tag velocity on the sliding window adjustment,adjusts the speed dynamically according to the label confidence δ,at the same time further divides the sliding window,and takes statistical sampling for tag data in sub window.The results of the statistical sampling are dealing with the data of entire sliding window together to speed up the detection of tag transition,so that the movement of tag can be determined more accurately.Experimental results show that the algorithm reduces the average error rate and frequency of the phenomenon of positive reading,thereby increasing the accuracy of the data.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期144-148,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61103142) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)资助
关键词 RFID 数据清洗 标签速度 滑动子窗口 SMURF RFID Data cleaning Tag velocity Sliding sub-window SMURF
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