3The House of Representative of the United States of America, "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009", http://www, rules. house, gov/111/LegText/111 _hr2454_sub. pdf. (上网时间:2010年11月8日).
4U.S. Department of State,"Our Common Purpose: Addressing Climate Change (United States 09 Copenhagen)" http ://www. state. gov/documents/organization/133389, pdf. (上网时间:2010年11月8日).
8Pew Center on Global Climate Change, " Key Provisions: A- merican Recovery and Reinvestment Act", http://www, pewclimate, org,/ docUploads/Pew-Summary - ARRA - Key - Provisions. pdf. (上网时间:2010年11月8日).
9"The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan", http://www, dismal, com/mark-zandi/documents/The_Job_Impact of the American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Plan. pdf. (上网时间:2010年11月8日).