随着媒体技术及网络的普及与发展,获取某一主题的信息量批量增长,数据形式也呈现多样化,如何存储与管理批量及多样化的数据引起重视,其中基于云数据的管理技术是目前最热门的研究领域。从云数据管理技术的特点出发,以石油文化数据库建设为例阐述数据库建设的基本流程,提出基于Mongo DB的石油文化数据库建设模型。
With the popularization and development of media technology and network, obtains batch growth of quantity of information on a topic, da-ta diversified forms, how to store and manage mass and various data attention, including cloud data management technology based on the current research on the most popular field. Starts from the characteristics of cloud data management technology of database, takes the cul-ture construction of oil as an example, describes the basic process of database construction, proposes the petroleum culture construction of database model based on MongoDB.
Modern Computer