
不同环境与昼夜时段成蚊密度的季节变化趋势研究 被引量:5

Seasonal variance of mosquito density in different micro-environments and circadian periods
摘要 目的探索上海中心城区地带不同环境及不同监测时段成蚊密度的季节变化趋势。方法选取5个监测点和2个特定时段采用人诱停落法进行连续194 d的成蚊动态监测研究。结果人诱停落法2012年194 d共捕捉到成蚊1 666只,季节变化趋势分析,第1时段和第2时段成蚊密度高峰分别集中在7月下旬和6月上旬,分别为4.60和1.52只/(人·次),2监测时段旬分布差异显著(χ2=221.528,P<0.01);5个监测点的成蚊密度均集中于7月份,但旬分布差异显著(χ2=91.570,P<0.01),1、3和4号点高峰均出现于7月下旬,分别为5.41、1.09和5.50只/(人·次),5号点和2号点分别出现于7月上、中旬,分别为1.50和1.00只/(人·次)。结论人诱停落法不同监测时段与监测点成蚊密度均存在显著差异,上海市中心城区应加强蚊虫监测,针对不同环境与不同昼夜时段蚊虫的季节变化建立更有效的风险评估与预警预报体制。 Objective To explore seasonal variance of mosquito density in different micro-environments and circadi- an periods in Shanghai downtown. Methods Conducting 194 - days' continuous human-landing catch in 5 mos- quito-monitoring sites of the same region and 2 monitoring periods of one day. Results 1 666 adult mosquitoes were captured during the 194 days;ten -days' mosquito distribution were significantly different between the first peri- od and the seeond period ( X2 =221. 528 ,P 〈0. 01 ) ,with the density peak in late July and early May 4. 60 and 1.52 pcs/30(min ·site) respectively. Mosquito density peaks of 5 monitoring sites all appeared in July with difference in early,middle and late of this month. Conclusion Seasonal mosquito density varies in different micro-environments and 2 specific circadian periods;it is suggest that mosquito surveillance should be intensified in Shanghai downtown, and more effective risk assessment should be carried out.
出处 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2014年第6期520-523,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
基金 上海市加强公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划项目(2011-2013年) 上海市黄浦区卫生局重点公共卫生项目(编号:2012-ZD02)
关键词 人诱停落法 微环境 昼夜叮刺节律 季节变化 human-landing catch micro-environment mosquito biting circadian rhythm seasonal variance
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