
Differences Between Clinical Trials of Medical Devices and Drugs

Differences Between Clinical Trials of Medical Devices and Drugs
摘要 How to design clinical trials for medical devices is a problem plaguing the industry today. As there are many differences in clinical trials of medical devices and drugs. This paper describes the differences of the two points from the perspectivs of definition of medical devices and drugs, scope, phasing, subjects and design of clinical trials in details, aiming to help the related personnel make scientific decisions while conducting clinical trial design for medical devices. How to design clinical trials for medical devices is a problem plaguing the industry today. As there are many differences in clinical trials of medical devices and drugs. This paper describes the differences of the two points from the perspectivs of defi- nition of medical devices and drugs, scope, phasing, subjects and design of clinical trials in details, aiming to help the related personnel make scientific decisions while conduct- ing clinical trial design for medical devices.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2014年第3期93-97,共5页 中国生物医学工程学报(英文版)
关键词 medical devices DRUGS clinical trials DIFFERENCES 临床试验 医疗器械 药品 试验设计 医疗设备
  • 相关文献


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