
眩光的共识及新进展 被引量:6

Consensus and new improvements of disability glare
摘要 早期白内障患者,视力还没有受到影响,但常有眼前光幕遮档,夜间驾驶困难等主诉,究其原因,可能是视功能的一项指标——散射光值出现了改变,因此伴随眩光的主诉。白内障术后人工晶状体眼的患者,有可能主诉视野中出现光圈、光晕、闪光、亮点等,这也是眩光幻影所致。眩光是指视野中干扰光源的存在导致视力的减退,换句话说,就是由于散射光的存在导致视网膜成像对比敏感度的减退。本文就眩光研究目前取得的共识与近期的新进展展开论述,并针对眩光的影响因素提出相应的解决方法,为进一步的研究提供线索。 Patients with early cataract may have normal visual acuity ( VA ) but complain that they have problems in driving at night, like seeing things through a veil. This phenomenon is defined as disability glare which maybe caused by growing stray light. Patients with intraocular lens following cataract surgery may complain about glare, halos and shadows in visual field, which are also resulted from dysphotopia. Disability glare is the VA loss due to disturbing luminance in visual field. ln other words, it's the retinal contrast sensitivity reduction because of the straylight. This article contains the consensus and new progress of disability glare. lt provides solutions according to its effect factors and offers clues for further study.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2014年第12期2185-2189,共5页 International Eye Science
关键词 眩光 白内障 散射光 人工晶状体 disability glare cataract straylight intraocular lens
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