目的:观察复方托品酰胺滴眼液对不同年龄近视患者的屈光检查、睫状肌麻痹效果的影响,探究睫状肌麻痹对低度近视验光结果的影响,为临床患者合理使用散瞳药物提出指导。 方法:分别选取三个年龄段低度近视患者45例,在自然瞳孔状态下及散瞳后不同时间点使用“Shin-Nippon”开放式电脑验光仪测量双眼屈光度及调节幅度。 结果:各年龄组在使用散瞳剂后在20~60 min区间均出现明显调节幅度下降趋势,但调节幅度的下降与散瞳前后的“Shin-Nippon”开放式电脑验光结果无统计学意义。 结论:我们应根据调节幅度随着散瞳后不同时间的变化规律安排好患者的验光窗口,而针对低度近视人群,使用开放式电脑验光仪可以有效减少睫状肌麻痹剂的使用。
AlM: To investigated the refraction and cycloplegic effects of 0. 5g/L tropicamide eye drops in various low myopia age groups, and provide clinical guidelines for proper usage of cyclopegic agent in different population.METHODS:Three low myopia age groups (n=45) were selected, non-cycloplegic and cycloplegic auto-refraction using “Shin-Nippon” auto-refractor were performed at various time point for refractive error. The subjective accommodation amplitudes were also collected at each time point. RESULTS: The accommodation amplitude showed a similar but significant decline between 20~60min after the first cyclopegic drops in all three age groups. However, the decline of accommodation amplitudes were not statistically correlated with the results of “Shin-Nippon”auto-refraction results at different time points. CONCLUSlON: The refraction time should be arranged according to the cycloplegic effects of tropicamide. Open-field auto-refractor could reduce the usage of cycloglegice drugs in low myopia groups, even for the youngest.
International Eye Science