本研究旨在观察HS-6101(简称6101)对7.0 Gy60Coγ射线全身照射恒河猴的防护作用。30只健康成年恒河猴分为对症治疗组、WR-2721阳性对照组及HS-6101 30、90和270μg/kg组,每组6只动物,60Coγ射线放射源1次全身双侧照射7.0 Gy(11.00 c Gy/min)。各组动物照射前1 h分别肌肉注射生理盐水0.27 ml/kg、WR-272130 mg/kg及HS-6101 30、90和270μg/kg。观察照射动物一般体征、外周血象、造血祖细胞集落数和组织病理学改变。结果表明,对症治疗组动物于照射后第13天开始出现死亡,24 d内死亡4只,平均存活时间18.2±4.3 d;WR-2721组照射后15.8和18.5 d各死亡1只;HS-6101 270μg/kg组照射后35.8 d死亡1只,其它动物照射后40 d全部存活。HS-6101给药组动物外周血白细胞、中性粒细胞、血小板数最低值均明显高于对症治疗和WR-2721组,开始恢复时间提前(P<0.05-P<0.01)。造血祖细胞集落培养结果显示,HS-6101可明显促进放射病猴骨髓单个核细胞形成各系造血祖细胞集落(P<0.05-P<0.01)。骨髓病理组织学观察结果表明,HS-6101给药猴骨髓腔造血细胞增生旺盛、密度大,骨髓造血恢复优于对症治疗组和WR-2721组。结论:HS-6101 90μg/kg可以明显促进7.0Gy照射所致重度骨髓型急性放射病猴造血功能恢复,改善动物体征,简化治疗措施,提高动物存活率,其辐射防护作用明显优于WR-2721。
This study was purposed to investigate the protective effects of lipoprotein HS-6101( 6101) on rhesus monkey total body irradiated with 7.0 Gy ^60Coγ-ray.A total of 30 health adult rhesus monkeys were randomly divided into symptomatic therapy( ST),WR2721 and HS-6101 30 and 270 mg /kg groups( n = 6),the rhesus monkeys of each groups were injected with physiological saline 0.3 ml /kgWR-2721 30 mg /kgor HS-6101 30 and 270 μ/kgrespectively.All agents were once intramuscularly injected at 1 hr prior irradiation.General observationperipheral blood cell countscolony forming unite assay of bone marrow hemopoietic progenitor cellsand histopathological examination were performed.The results showed that animals in symptomatic therapy group begin to die on the 13 day and 4 animals died within 24 daysthe average survival time was 18.2 ± 4.3 days2 animals in WR-2717 groups died on day 15.8 and day 18.5 post irradiation respectively.1 animal in HS-6101 270 mg /kg group died on day 35.8all other animals survived.Nadirs of peripheral blood white blood cellsneutrophils and platelets of animals in HS-6101 treatment groups were significantly higher than those in other 2 groups including ST and WR-2721 groupsand the hemopoietic recovery were also significantly speeding up(P〈0.05 and 0.01).In vitro results showed that HS-6101 obviously promoted 7.0 Gy ^60Coγ irradiated monkey's bone marrow mononuclear cells to form various hematopoieticprogenitor cell colonies( P 〈0. 05 and 0. 01). Compared w ith symptomatic therapy and WR-2717 groups,bone marrow histopathological changes in HS-6101 treatment groups show ed more active hemopoietic cell proliferation and higher density structure. It is concluded that HS-6101 90 μg / kg treatment can promote the bone marrow recovery of 7.0 Gy^60Coγ irradiated monkey,alleviate their animal symptom,simplify the treatment measures and improve the animal survival rate. The HS-6101 shows remarkable radioprotective effects as compared w ith the currently internationally acknow ledged radioprotectant of WR-2721.
Journal of Experimental Hematology