
马尾松自由授粉18年生子代生长状况比较及家系选择 被引量:7

Comparisons of the growth of open-pollinated progeny of 18 year-old Pinus massoniana seed orchard and its family selection
摘要 18年生马尾松自由授粉子代测定试验结果表明:从南带西区引进的马尾松良种能明显提高福建省东南部一般产区人工林生产力;树高、胸径、单株立木材积在家系间具有遗传差异,遗传方差相对分量分别为3.43%、4.34%、2.23%,遗传变异系数分别为4.04%、6.32%、10.61%,家系遗传力分别为0.206、0.329、0.149.以单株立木材积为指标筛选出5个速生优良家系,其自由授粉18年生子代的平均树高、胸径、单株立木材积分别为13.60 m、20.8 cm、0.22897 m3,分别较群体均值提高17.75%、26.83%、68.05%,遗传增益分别为3.66%、8.91%、10.14%. The open-pollinated progeny test of 18 year-old Pinus massoniana seed orchard was conducted,the results were as follows:P.massoniana introducted from the west area of south distribution district could significantly enhanced the plantation productivity in the southeast of Fujian Province.There was genetic variation on tree height,DBH and volume among families.The ratios of genetic variances of these traits were 3.43%,4.34% and 2.23%,respectively.The genetic variation coefficient of these traits were 4.04%,6.32% and 10.61%,and the family heritability of these traits were 0.206,0.329 and 0.149,respectively.Five families were identified as superior families based on volume.The average tree height,DBH and volume of these families were 13.60 m,20.8cm and 0.22897 m^3,respectively,which were 17.75%,26.83% and 68.05% more than those of population.The genetic gains of tree height,DBH and volume were 3.66%,8.91% and 10.14%,respectively.
作者 潘琼蓉
出处 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期592-595,共4页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University:Natural Science Edition
基金 福建省科技厅重大专项资助项目(2006NZ0001-2)
关键词 马尾松 种子园 自由授粉子代 遗传变异 Pinus massoniana Lamb. seed orchard open-pollinated progeny genetic variation
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