
基于足迹家族和行星边界的主要国家环境可持续性多维评价 被引量:17

Multidimensional Assessment of National Environmental Sustainability Based on Footprint Family and Planetary Boundaries
摘要 足迹家族和行星边界都是国际可持续发展研究领域新近出现的热点概念。系统回顾了足迹家族和行星边界的概念缘起,首次提出了基于足迹家族和行星边界的环境可持续性概念及其评价框架。其中,足迹家族定义为:人类在自然资源消费和废弃物排放过程中占用的地球生态系统的再生和消纳能力;行星边界定义为:可供人类安全占用的地球生态系统的最大再生和消纳能力。由此,将环境可持续性定量描述为人类环境足迹小于或等于对应行星边界的情形,反之则为环境不可持续性。分析了该环境可持续性概念的6项基本特征:系统性、选择性、交互性、不确定性、尺度依赖性、赤字可权衡性。在此基础上,以全球30个主要国家为例,对提出的足迹家族-行星边界整合框架进行了实证应用。从与人类社会关系重大的环境问题入手,对各国在气候变化(碳排放)、水资源利用和土地利用3方面的环境可持续性进行了多维测度。结果显示:22国的碳排放呈现不可持续性,人均碳赤字最高为美国的26.1 t·a-1(以CO2当量计);17国的水资源利用呈现不可持续性,人均水赤字最高为西班牙的1 497.8 m3·a-1;15国的土地利用呈现不可持续性,人均土地赤字最高为荷兰的2.3 hm2·a-1。研究表明,碳排放的可持续性与社会经济发展水平关系密切,发达国家对气候变化的贡献明显大于发展中国家;水资源利用和土地利用的可持续性则更多地受各国人均资源禀赋制约。本研究对科学量化和比较不同国家的环境可持续性具有参考价值,该评价方法也适用于其他环境问题或国家以下尺度的核算分析。 In recent years, the concepts of footprint family and planetary boundaries have both received considerable popularity in the field of sustainability science. By reviewing the conceptual roots of these two concepts, we argue that they are complements to each other and thus should be used collectively in assessing the environmental sustainability of the planet, nations, regions, etc. Building on the complementary nature of the footprint and boundary indicators, this paper proposes, for the first time, a framework for defining and assessing environmental sustainability from a novel point of view, in which the footprints and boundaries are measured and compared in a coherent manner. The footprint family is defined as a measure of the regenerative and absorptive capacity of the Earth’s ecosystems to satisfy mankind’s demand for natural resources and waste emissions. The planetary boundaries are defined as a measure of the Earth’s maximum regenerative and absorptive capacity that allows to define a safe operating space for humanity. As such, environmental sustainability can be simply defined as a safe state in which man’s environmental footprints are kept within the related planetary boundaries;otherwise it refers to environmental unsustainability. The environmental sustainability concept is featured by completeness, selectivity, interactivity, uncertainty, scale-dependence, and the negotiability of environmental deficit. The implications of the footprint-boundary integrated framework are illustrated by reference to the assessment and ranking of 30 major nations’ environmental sustainability with regard to carbon emissions (climate change), water use and land use. The results show that, in the case of carbon emissions, 22 nations are found to be unsustainable, of which the United States of America has the highest carbon deficit per capita of 26.1 t·a-1 (in CO2 equivalent). In the case of water use, Spain, which has a water deficit per capita of 1 497.8 m3·a-1, ranks the highest among the 17 nations that are found to be unsustainable. In the case of land use, the Dutch land deficit per capita (2.3 hm2·a-1) is significantly larger than that of other 14 nations which are classified as unsustainable. Our findings suggest that the sustainability of carbon emissions is in close relation to the nation’s level of social and economic development. The contribution of developed countries to global climate change, therefore, appears to be much higher than that of developing countries. The sustainability of water and land use is often driven by the average amount of water and land resource within the border of the nation that can be appropriated by an individual citizen. This paper provides a reference for quantifying and ranking the national performance on environmental sustainability. The framework established can also be applied to other environmental issues or at sub-national scales.
作者 方恺
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1868-1875,共8页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家公派留学基金项目(20113005)
关键词 环境可持续性 足迹家族 行星边界 整合 环境赤字(盈余) 多维 environmental DEFICIT (reserve) environmental sustainability footprint family planetary boundaries integration multi-dimension
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