
糖尿病视网膜病的免疫机制研究进展 被引量:4

A close view into the immunological mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy
摘要 糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)作为糖尿病患者晚期出现严重视力障碍甚至致盲的主要病因之一,也是糖尿病晚期出现全身微血管病变的重要局部表现。它直接导致糖尿病患者晚期生活质量出现严重下降。在现有的研究结果显示,免疫炎症因子作用与DR的产生与进展息息相关,其中以ICAM-1、抗内皮细胞抗体、TNF-α、VEGF、补体、HLA等的作用尤为突出,并一直作为研究热门方向被广泛关注。以下将对相关免疫炎症因子在DR中的作用机制进行综述。 Diabetic reaopathy ( DR), one of the leading causes that result in serious visual impairment or blind- ness, was part of systemic microvascular complications of diabetes. DR seriously impairs the quality of life in diabetic pa- tients. Becent researches suggested that the development of DR may be associated with inflammatory immune factors such as ICAM-1, endothelial cell antibodies, TNF-R, VEGF, complements o and HLA. The immunological mechanisms of DR have become a heated area of research. The aim of the present review is to provide an overview of immunological mechanisms of DR.
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2014年第6期567-570,共4页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 糖尿病视网膜病变 免疫机制 炎症因子 Diabetic vetinopathy Immunological mechanisms Ivflammatory factor
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