
估算肾小球滤过率在慢性肾脏疾病诊疗中的研究现状 被引量:9

Research progress of estimating glomerniar filtration rate in chronic kidney disease
摘要 慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)患者由于肾功能衰竭、心血管疾病等原因死亡率较高,已成为社会广泛关注的医疗问题。肾小球滤过率(GFR)是评估肾脏功能和早期诊断CKD的重要标志物,但GFR直接检测法无法广泛应用于临床常规检测。随着各类估算肾小球滤过率(eGFR)公式的研究报道,eGFR已成为临床评估患者肾脏功能的重要指标之一。本文综述了不同估算肾小球滤过率公式的研究进展及其在临床诊疗中的应用。(中华检验医学杂击,2014,37:899-902) The mortality of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing because of renal failure, cardiovascular diseases and other reasons which has been a global public health problem. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the important biomarker of kidney function evaluation and early diagnosis of CKD, whose direct measurement methods cannot be widely applied in clinical laboratory. With the development of studies on estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) equations, eGFR has been a biomarker of kidney function evaluation in clinical diagnosis. The current paper reviews the research progress and clinical application of different eGFR equations. (Chin J Lab Med ,2014,37:899-902 )
出处 《中华检验医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期899-902,共4页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine
基金 国家临床重点检验专科建设项目 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BA137801)
关键词 肾功能不全 慢性 肾小球滤过率 肌酐 胱抑素C Renal insufficiency, chronic Glomerular filtration rate Creatinine Cystatin C
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