

High and Low Conflict Decision-making Differently Impair the Subsequent Performance of Executive Control as Assessed by the Multi-Source Interference Task
摘要 目的:探索高/低冲突不同的决策任务对其后执行控制的影响。方法:40名被试随机分配到高冲突涉及个人情感的道德两难任务组和低冲突与道德无关的决策任务组,而后分别考察两组人执行控制成绩的差异。结果:相比做出与道德无关决策的被试,完成涉及个人情感的道德两难决策任务后的被试在后续的多源冲突任务中表现更差。而且,在多源冲突任务难度最大的条件下,组间差异更大,完成涉及个人情感的道德两难决策任务的被试表现更加不如完成与道德无关决策的被试。结论:该研究表明冲突不同的决策任务对其后执行控制影响不同,冲突越大,其后的执行控制成绩越差。该研究有助于进一步加深我们对道德与非道德决策差异以及决策与执行控制关系的理解。 Objective: The present study mainly focused on the effect of prior decision-making task difficulty on subsequent executive control. Methods: Forty healthy subjects were randomly assigned to either high-conflict moral-personal dilemmas group or low-conflict non-moral scenarios group. The performance differences of the Multi-Source Interference Task(MSIT) following different decision-making tasks were investigated. Results: Results showed a worse performance in the subsequent MSIT for participants making moral-personal judgments than those making non-moral ones. Moreover, a relatively larger difference was found in the most effort-demanding condition of the MSIT, and a considerably worse performance was made by participants making moral judgments than non-moral ones. Conclusions: The difficulty of prior decision-making task would greatly influence the subsequent performance of executive control.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2015年第1期114-119,共6页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(60971096) 973 Program(2012CB518200)~~
关键词 道德决策 执行控制 多源冲突任务 Moral decision-making Executive control Multi-Source Interference Task
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