

The Progress of Education during the Period of German Empire
摘要 德意志帝国时期,德国教育取得了巨大进步。小学教育普及率和教学质量都取得了实质性进展;中学教育方面,学校类型和教学内容都出现了适应现代社会经济发展的调整;专门针对女孩教育的女子学校和培养军官的军事学校教育也成为帝国时期中等教育的重要组成部分;大学教育则表现为大学生人数快速增长、大学不同专业发展规模相应调整、各类新型大学的出现和大学生社会构成的变化;为了适应经济的快速发展,帝国时期的职业教育迅速发展,出现了各种职业学校。教育事业的发展为帝国时期社会经济的发展、科技的进步和文化的繁荣提供了人才保障。 During the period of German Empire (1871-1914), German education made great progress. Primary education made substantial progress in terms of popularizing rate and quality; the school type and the teaching content of the secondary education adjusted themselves to modem social economic development; female school education and military school education became an important part of secondary education. At the College, the number of students grew rapidly and new universities appeared. The vocational education also had a rapid development in order to adapt to the rapid development of econom. The development of education provided human resource for the progress of science and technology and cultural prosperity of the Empire.
作者 邢来顺
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期3-9,33,共8页 History Teaching
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目<多卷本〈德国通史〉>(项目编号13&ZD104)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 德意志帝国 教育 新型大学 职业学校 German Empire, Education, New Universities, Vocational School
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