Objective We aimed to explore the best forecasting model of AIDS incidence rate in China by applying gray model( 1,1) and trend extrapolation model. Methods Gray model( 1,1) and trend extrapolation model w as used to fit AIDS incidence rate from 2000 to 2011 in China. The best model w as screened to predict AIDS incidence trend in the future after evaluating fitting precision of different models. The incidence data in 2012 w as used to evaluate prediction precision. Results Both quadratic curve regression model in trend extrapolation model and gray model( 1,1) w ere suitable to the AIDS incidence data in China. But quadratic curve regression model yielded higher fitting precision. M ean error rate w as 7. 6% in quadratic curve regression model and 28. 6% in gray model( 1,1). Determination coefficient w as 0. 990 and 0. 800 betw een them. AIDS incidence rate in China from 2012 to 2014 w ould be 1. 68 /100 000,1. 95 /100 000 and 2. 24 /100 000 from quadratic curve regression model. The relative prediction error in 2012 w as 6. 14%. Conclusion Quadratic curve regression model in trend extrapolation model is a better method to predict AIDS incidence trend in China. The epidemic of AIDS in China w ill still rise,and prevention and control of AIDS should be strengthened.
Chinese Journal of Health Statistics