目的:运用《中华人民共和国药典》规定的红花质量评价方法,对新疆昌吉、塔城、伊犁和和田几个主产地的红花进行质量分析。方法:中国药典(2010年版)一部规定的水分、灰分和酸不溶性灰分、红色素吸光度、浸出物、羟基红花黄色素A测定方法。结果:24批新疆不同产地红花的水分、浸出物和羟基红花黄色素A的含量合格,和田产红花总灰分含量范围1769%~2548%、酸不溶灰分含量范围1029%~1705%,大大高于药典标准,部分样品的红色素吸光度为0140 3~0180 4,低于药典标准,其他产地样品则均合格。结论:对24批新疆不同产地的红花样品进行聚类分析,和田产红花单独聚为一类,其他产地样品聚为一类,其中昌吉、塔城地区的样品更为相似,与伊犁地区的样品质量有一定差别。建议和田地区不宜大规模发展红花种植。
Objective:To analyze the quality of safflower(Carthamus tinctorius)from several main producing regions of Xinjiang according to Chinese PharmacopoeiaMethods:The contents of moisture,ash,acid insoluble ash,red pigment absorbance,extract,hydroxysafflor yellow A were measured according to Chinese pharmacopoeia(2010 edition)Results:The content of water,extract and hydroxysafflor yellow A in 24 batch of safflower sample from different producing regions of Xinjiang met the requirements of Chinese PharmacopoeiaFor samples from Hetian,the total ash content ranged from 1769%~2548% and acid insoluble ash content 1029%~1705%,much higher than the standard of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.And the red pigment absorbance of the partial samples ranged from 0140 3~0180 4,lower than the standard of PharmacopoeiaOther samples met the requirementsConclusion:We found that safflower in Hetian were clustered into a separate category and other origin samples were clustered into one category by Cluster analysisThe samples from Changji and Tacheng were similar,and different from the samples from YiliSo Hetian is not suitable for large scale cultivation of safflower
Modern Chinese Medicine