
线索民族志:民族志叙事的新范式 被引量:85

Clues Ethnography:A New Paradigm of Ethnographic Narrative
摘要 社会研究有两条道路可循:一是所谓聚焦法,即坐标式的定点研究,其关注某个场所或地点里的人群生活,它所形成的民族志是场所民族志;二是线索追溯法,它不是点上的静态观察,而是循着人或物移动的轨迹生发出来的各种现象去实现一种在点之上的线和面上的整体宏观理解,由此而形成的民族志便是线索民族志。后者的核心是把人和物都放置到某个自然或人造环境的大背景之中,由此去追溯人行动的轨迹,形成一种自我提升的民族志真悟,一种民族志叙事的新范式。 Two ways of social research can be attained:one is focus method,a pointing approach of coordinate system.It focuses on the life of a people in a certain place or location.The ethnography written by this method is called place ethnography.Another way is clues seeking method.It is not a silent observation,but tries to seek a holistic understanding on various phenomena that is developed beyond a place and a surface along a moving track of a people or a thing.An ethnography written in this way is called clues ethnography.The core value of this kind of understanding is to put human being and things on to a huge background of a natural or artificial environment.We can therefore followe it to seek traces of human action,to form a real understanding of self-enhanced ethnography,and to unfold a new paradigm of ethnographic narrative.
作者 赵旭东
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期47-57,124-125,共11页 Ethno-National Studies
关键词 线索民族志 线索追溯法 场所民族志 clues ethnography clues seeking method place ethnography
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