
Literature是怎样“变成”“文学”的--晚清早期新教来华传教士的“文学”实践及评价 被引量:2

When and How the "Literature"=文学(wenxue):A Perspective over Protestant Missionaries in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 马礼逊、米怜、麦都思、理雅各等最早一代新教来华传教士接触中国的过程,其实也是一个文化探险历程。当大多数传教士最初将注意力集中于宗教领域中的"术语问题"(Term Question)之时,其实他们在中西世俗文化交流领域同样遭遇到了"术语问题"。当他们面对中国丰富而悠久的文学传统时,他们习惯性地使用了英语中的Literature,来描述并论述中国"文学"。而其实从一开始,西方的Literature与中国的"诗文"为中心的传统就不是可以简单替换的完全对等概念。而在此语境中传教士们所生成的最早一批中西跨文学交流的文本成果,亦大多带有文献文本的性质。但又恰恰是这些传教士的文学与文化探险,开创了中西之间文学交流的先河,并最终让西方的Literature,成为了中国的"文学"。 For R. Morrison , W. Milne, W. H. Medhurst, and J. Legge etc, the first generation of Protestant Missionaries, their journeys to China and later operations there were also a kind of cultural adventure. While most of the missionaries first centered much their attention to "Term Question" in the religious field, they also encountered the "Term Question" in the case of secular cultural exchange between China and the West. The fact is while confronting the Chinese rich literary tradition and heritage, the missionaries once felt harassed and finally chose the English word "literature" as the substitute for what they found in Chinese literary texts. But obviously the concept of literature used by the missionaries in the West in the 19th century seemed much hard to simply replace the Chinese concept: Poetry and Prose (诗文). That may probably decipher why the first fruits of the works by the missionaries featured historical documents and general literary text. But even so, the literary and cultural adventure of the missionaries created a precedent for literary exchange between China and the West, and ultimately made Western word Literature into the Chinese word 文学 (wenxue).
作者 段怀清
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期164-173,共10页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 传教士 LITERATURE 文学 Protestant Missionaries Literature Wenxue (文学)
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  • 1Herbert A. Giles, A History of Chinese Literature, M.A., LL. D. (ABERD) , London: William Heinemann, MCMI.
  • 2[美]吉瑞德《朝觐东方:理雅各评传》,段怀清、周俐玲译,广西师范大学出版社2011年版.
  • 3[英]马礼逊:《马礼逊文集·华英字典》(影印版),大象出版社2008年版,第二卷,第279页.
  • 4马礼逊《华英字典》(1822).
  • 5Dictionary of the Chinese Language, in Three Parts. Part First, ContainingChinese and English Arranged According to the Keys; Part the Second, Chinese and English Arranged Alphabetically, And Part the Third, Containing of English and Chinese.
  • 6段怀清.晚清新教来华传教士语境中的Literature概念——以马礼逊的《华英字典》为中心[J].杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版),2014,36(6):61-67. 被引量:5
  • 7W. H. Medhurst, Sen, Shanghae:English and Chinese Dictionary: in two volumes, The Mission Press, 1848.
  • 8W. H. Medhursr, Chinese and English Dictionary; containing all the words in the Chinese Imperial Dictionary, Arranged according to the Radicals. In Two Volumes, Batavia: Printed at Parapatta, MDCCCXLII, 1842.
  • 9W. H. Medhursr, Chinese and English Dictionary; containing all the words in the Chinese Imperial Dictionary, Arranged according to the Radicals, Volume I, p. 334. Batavia: Printed at Parapatta, MDCCCXLII, 1842.
  • 10W. H. Medhursr, Missionary: Chinese and English Dictionary; containing all the words in the Chinese Imperial Dictionary, Arranged according to the Radicals, Batavia: Printed at Parapatta, VolumeII, MDCCCXLII, 1842. pp. 1039.


  • 1王韬,1998,《弢园文录外编》,郑州:中州古籍出版社
  • 2马礼逊.马礼逊文集·华英字典(影印版)[M],郑州:大象出版社,2008.
  • 3马礼逊.马札逊回忆录(影印本):第1卷[M].郑州:大象出版社.2008.
  • 4王韬.《西学辑存六种·泰西著述考》光绪庚寅春仲遁叟校刊.
  • 5王韬.《西学辑存六种》“序”,己丑秋淞隐庐遁叟校印.
  • 6王韬.《西学辑存六种·西学原始考》,光绪庚寅春季遁叟手校印行.
  • 7王韬.《王韬文新编》,李天纲编校.香港.三联书店(香港)有限公司,1998年.
  • 8The Cambridge History of China, Volume 8, The Ming Dynasty, 1368 - 1644, Part 2,第 363 页, Edited by Denis Twitchett and Frederick W. Mote, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • 9《中国晚明与欧洲文学》(李夷学著,三联书店,2010年9月,北京).
  • 10《西事凡》十六卷.


  • 1[英]米怜:《新教来华传教前十年回顾》影印版(ARetrospectoftheFirstYearsoftheProtestantMissiontoChina),郑州:大象出版社,2008年,第154页.
  • 2段怀清:《基督教中文<三字经)的语文书写实验及其评价》,《上海师范大学学报》(待刊).
  • 3[英]艾丽莎-马礼逊编:《马礼逊回忆录》影印本第1卷(MemoirsoftheLifeandLaborsofRobertMorrison),郑州:大象出版社,2008年,第163-164页.
  • 4米怜:《新教来华传教前十年回顾》影印版(ARetrospectoftheFirstYearsoftheProtestantMissiontoChina),第146页.
  • 5[英]米怜:《新教来华传教前十年回顾》影印版,第91页.
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  • 7《朝觐东方:理雅各评传》([美]吉瑞德(NormanGirardot)著,段怀清、周俐玲译,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2011年).
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  • 9Records of the General Conferenceof the Protestant Missionaries of China, Held at Shanghai, May 10-24,1877, Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1878.
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