
基于信任的员工归类与下属支持研究 被引量:1

Employee Categorization Based on Trust and Subordinate Support
摘要 在现有研究的基础上,通过问卷调查,利用对应分析方法对中国企业组织中基于信任的员工归类与下属支持行为的对应关系进行了探究。研究结果表明,领导者倾向于向有才能的下属寻求决策方面的支持;向关系亲密的下属寻求情感方面的支持。对关系亲密,忠诚度高且能力强的下属领导者会向其寻求战略或政治支持;对关系亲密,忠诚度高但能力较弱的下属寻求情感支持。对关系亲密或忠诚度高,能力较强的下属寻求行动建议;对关系疏远,能力较弱但忠诚度高的下属寻求原始信息。此外,忠诚是领导者对下属信任最重要的考虑因素,并且领导者职位层级越高越重视忠诚因素。 Based on the existing research, this study investigates the correspondence between em- ployee categorizations based on trust and subordinate support in organizations through questionnaire and correspondence analysis. The results show that superiors tend to seek decision-making support from the subordinates with high competence and emotional support from the ones with high guanxi; superiors will seek strategic or political help from the subordinates with high guanxi, loyalty and com- petence, emotional support from the ones with high guanxi and loyalty but low competence, actiona- ble advice from the ones with high guanxi or loyalty and high competence, raw information from the ones with low guanxi and competence but high loyalty; loyalty is the most important factor determi- ning the trust given by the superior to subordinate, and the higher position the superior holds the more attention he pays.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期215-222,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金资助项目(10YJA630052 11YJA630073) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(SK2012038)
关键词 信任 员工归类 下属支持 对应分析 trust employee categorization subordinate support correspondence analysis
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