'Cultural Soft Power'has become a term appeared more frequently in Chinese political and aca-demic circles. However, it is just 20 years the'soft power'concept came to China and less than 10 years truly became the focus in academic circle. The systematic study on it is rare and the opinionsdiffer from each other. The reason may be that different people have different understandings aboutthe meanings involved in'cultural soft power'. To seek greater consensus and then make it possiblefor academic colleagues to discuss the issue relying on the same or similar understandings of this con-cept, we should elaborate some issues including culture, soft power, cultural soft power, the signifi-cances of cultural soft power construction, the humanism of cultural soft power investigation, the sta-tus quo of cultural soft power development studies, the qualitative and quantitative researches of cul-tural soft power, etc.
Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions