
从民族国家建构神话到多元化视角叙事——以淘金热史为例看澳大利亚史学研究之嬗变 被引量:4

From National State Myth to Pluralistic Narratives:Understanding the Shifting Australian Historiography through the Historical studies of the Gold Rush
摘要 考察澳大利亚淘金热史研究的变化,为学界认识第二次世界大战后澳大利亚史学理论的整体嬗变提供了绝佳的视角。淘金热史先是作为一种集体历史记忆被整合进澳大利亚民族认同的建构,随后它又进一步被推崇为澳大利亚现代民族国家建设这一宏大叙事或现代化史学的典范。自20世纪70年代以来,它又逐渐成为澳大利亚史学界反思批判历史发展阴暗面及其代价的重要对象,如今它日益成为澳大利亚历史研究中多元化叙事的代表性议题。澳大利亚淘金热史研究的变化充分反映了时代需求对澳大利亚史学研究的塑造。 The historical studies of the gold rush clearly mirror the shift of the Australian historiography since the end of the Second World War.The history of the gold rush was firstly integrated into the structure of Australian national identity as a collective memory.Then it was soon turned to be a model of grand narrative of the Australian national state building or modernization.Since the 1970 s,it has gradually become the important object of critical reflection among the Australian historians.Now it has increasingly become a significant theme of pluralistic narratives in Australian history research.The mystification and demystification of the Australian gold rush clearly show how the Australian historiography is shaped by different era backgrounds and contemporary interests.The latest studies reveal a trend of the internationalization and pluralism of the Australian historical studies.
作者 费晟
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期48-57,159,共10页 Historiography Bimonthly
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  • 1Ernest Scott, A Short History of Australia, London, 1916, p.340.
  • 2Mark Hearn, "Writing the Nation in Australia: Australian Historians and Narrative Myths of Nation", in: Stefan Berger (ed.), Writing the Nation. A Global Perspective, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp.103-125.
  • 3Stefan Berger with Mark Donovan and Kevin Passmore, "Apologias for the Nation-state in Western Europe since 1800", in: Stefan Berger, Mark Donovan and Kevin Passmore, Writing National Histories: Wetern Europe since 1800, Lodon, 1999, p.10.
  • 4Margaret R. Somers, "Deconstrncting and Reconstructing Class Formation Theory: Narrativity, Relational Analysis, and Social Theory", in: John R. Hall (ed.), Reworking Class, Cornell, 1977, p.85.
  • 5Rebecca Collins, "Concealing the Poverty of Traditional Historiography: Myth as Mystification in Historical Discourse", in: Rethinking History, 7:3 (2003), pp.341-343.
  • 6Alun Munslow, Deconstrueting History, London, 1997, p.121.
  • 7Collins, "Concealing the Poverty of Traditional Historiography", pp.347-348, p.356.
  • 8Michel Foucauh, "Nietzsche, Ge- nealogy, History", in: Michel Foucauh, Aesthetics: Essential Works, Vol.2, London, 2001.
  • 9Alan Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, Vol.2, Melbourne, 2004, pp.17-20, p.61.
  • 10Walter Phillips, "John Dunmore Lang"; Graeme Davison, "John West", in: Graeme Davison et al., The Oxford Com- panion to Australian History, Melbounae, 2001, p.379, p.683.












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