
B2C模式下双渠道供应链定价策略研究 被引量:9

A Study on the Price Decisions of the Dual-Channel Supply Chain in B2C Mode
摘要 随着B2C模式的电子商务的发展与成熟,越来越多的企业引入了在线直销渠道与在线零售渠道的双渠道营销模式.如何制定有效的在线双渠道定价策略,实现不同在线渠道利益的均衡和渠道整体效益的最大化,成为企业需要解决的实际问题.构建了消费者效用函数模型和双渠道定价决策博弈模型,考察了消费者选择渠道的隐性成本和对在线渠道服务水平满意程度对双渠道定价决策的影响,对比了在线零售商与在线直销制造商分别在独立决策,零售商占主导地位和供应链纵向一体化的三种情况下的双渠道供应链定价策略.最后借助Matlab软件对决策模型进行了计算与仿真,为在线渠道内供应链中各成员的管理者制定最优的定价策略提供决策支持. With the B2C mode of e-commerce development and maturity, more and more companies introduced dual-channel marketing model of the online direct sales channels and online retail channels. How to develop effective dual-channel pricing strategy to achieve a balance of interests of different channels and to maximize efficiency as whole, companies needed to solve practical problems. This paper built a consumer utility function model and established a dual-channel pricing decision-making game models, and innovatively examined the impact of consumers' hidden costs in online channels and consumers' level of satisfaction on online channel service on the dual-channel pricing decisions, then compared three different cases' dual-channel pricing strategy of independent decision-making for retailer and manufacturer, retailer on the dominant position and vertical integration of supply chain. Finally, this paper use Matlab software to compute and simulate the decision-making model in order to provide decision support for enterprise managers to develop a dual-channel pricing strategy.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2015年第1期18-33,共16页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家社科基金(11cg1105)
关键词 双渠道 定价决策 供应链集成 dual-channel pricing decision supply chain vertical integration
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