
生育后期湿涝胁迫对不同种植方式花生产量性状及品质的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Waterlogging Stress on Peanut Yield and Quality with Different Planting Patterns
摘要 本文采用模拟人工淹水逆境的试验方法,研究花生生育后期,湿涝胁迫对不同种植方式下花生产量、品质的影响。结果表明:湿涝胁迫可使花生的百果重、百仁重、饱果率、出仁率、单株生产力、单株结果数和产量明显降低,籽仁脂肪和油酸含量有所降低,蛋白和亚油酸含量有所提高。湿涝胁迫对花生产量及品质的影响程度:结荚期胁迫危害大于成熟期,平作种植危害大于起垄种植。 Using the method of artificial flooding, the effects of waterlogging stress on peanut yield and quality were studied in different planting ways.The results showed that waterlogging stress decreased the hundred pods mass, hundred kernels mass, full pod rate, shelling rate, productivity per plant, pod number per plant and yield significantly.It also decreased the oil and oleic acid content. However it increased the protein and linoleic acid content.The impact of waterlogging was more seri-ous in pod setting stage than maturation stage, and it was also more harmful in flat planting than ridge planting.
出处 《花生学报》 2014年第4期13-18,共6页 Journal of Peanut Science
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-14) 河南省现代农业产业技术体系(S2012-5) 国家科技支撑计划-花生高产高效关键技术研究与示范(2014BAD11B04)
关键词 花生 不同种植方式 生育后期 湿涝胁迫 产量 品质 peanut different planting patterns late period of growth waterlogging stress yield quality
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