
视觉化训练对口译能力提升的效应 被引量:2

The Effect of Visualization Training on Trainees' Interpreting Competence Improvement
摘要 视觉化训练法被认为是促进口译能力发展的有效方法,也在我国高校口译课程中得到广泛应用。本文探讨视觉化训练对学员口译能力提升的效应。在考察前人文献的基础上,本研究开展了一项针对交替传译课程学员的小型实验,实验组接受为期十周的视觉化训练,而对照组不接受此训练。经过对实验数据进行比较和分析,初步发现实验组在口译测试中的平均成绩要比对照组好,显示视觉化训练对口译学员信息产出能力的提高有积极效应。具体而言,视觉化训练对口译学员口译的信息点和信息连贯性两方面产生了积极效应,而对口译信息的准确性并未体现效应。 Visualization training is considered an effective way to improve interpreting competence, and has been widely used in interpreter training programs in Chinese universities. This study aims to explore the effect of visualization training on the improvement of interpreting competence of trainees. Based on literature review, a small experiment involving two groups of trainees of a consecutive interpreting course is conducted, with a ten-week visualization training for the experiment group and no such training for the control group. Comparison and analysis of experiment data show that the average score of the experiment group in an interpreting exam is higher than the control group, which suggests that visualization training has a positive effect on trainees' interpreting competence in terms of information reproduction, and that the positive effect can be ob- served mainly in quantity and coherence of information points, not accuracy of information points.
作者 詹成 左静林
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2014年第6期75-79,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 2013年广东省研究生教育创新计划项目"翻译专业硕士实践教学体系研究"(2013JGXM-MS24) 广东外语外贸大学2013年度研究生教学研究与改革课题"翻译专业硕士业界教师制度研究"(13GWYJSJG-06)的部分成果
关键词 视觉化训练 口译学员 工作记忆 信息产出 信息点 visualization training interpreting trainees working memory information reproduction information points
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