

Institutional Transformation, Path Dependence and Governance: Bivariate Analysis of Government and Marketbased Framework
摘要 当前国内政治经济体制改革与发展模式转型是提升中国参与全球经济治理能力的关键影响因素,而其核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系。然而由于我国的经济改革与政治体制转型是一种危机倒逼型的发展模式,其制度框架无法事先给定,决策者的目标函数也带有较大不确定性,使得既有体制改革路径具有较为明显的不稳定性和发散性,在体制转型和利益协调等方面出现日趋严重的制度供给不足和高水平需求陷阱。而财权与事权分开的政府治理格局、基层管理体制的不完善更是导致政治经济体制改革和社会治理结构陷入脆弱性困境的重要根源。原生性的制度设计导致政府权力容易过度扩张,市场边界容易受到侵蚀与挤压,当前的政治经济体制改革由于路径锁定效应使得政府成为社会矛盾焦点的风险大幅度上升,在未来推进市场化改革与体制转型的具体制度设计中需要加强战略风险管理,现有政府治理模式亟需加快功能转型与战略演进。 The current domestic political and economic system reform and the transformation of development mode are to enhance the key influence factors of China's participation in the global economic governance capability, and its core is to deal with the relation between government and market. However, China's political economic reform and institutional transformation is the crisis-forced mode of development, and its institutional framework can't be given in advance, so the objective function of the decision-makers is facing with greater uncertainty, which makes the existing system reform path have more significant instability in the institutional restructuring and income distribution. Problems of lack of institutional supply and a high level of demand trap appear in the process of interests coordination. Separate financial authority and powers of governance pattern of imperfect local management system is a major source that turns the political economic reform and social governance structure into a fragile predicament. Native system design is easy to over-expansion which makes the power market boundaries suscep- tible to erosion and extrusion. The lock-in effect of the current political economic reform path is becoming the focus of conflict risk. In future, it is important to promote market-oriented reforms and institutional need to strengthen the strategic risk manage- ment transition in the specific system design. The existing governance model needs to be enhanced.
作者 程永林
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2014年第6期93-98,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(批准号IRT1224) 教育部社科重大课题攻关项目(批准号11JZD010) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助课题(批准号2012M511016) 教育部区域和国别研究基地研究项目(批准号B2013CCS13) 广东外语外贸大学校级科研创新团队项目资助
关键词 体制转型 全球治理 路径依赖 治理模式 institutional transformation global governance path dependence governance model
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