

Research on Nodes of Hierarchical Distributed Trust Domain Model
摘要 层次化分布域信任模型采用量化方法和合成规则方法得到的信任度对P2P网络中的节点信任进行评估,通过以往交互对该节点能力的认识不断加深和完善,从而形成对节点能否完成后续任务所做出的一种推断,然后利用这种推断来指导节点后续的行为,使得节点能够面临较小的风险而获得较好的服务。本文对层次化分布域信任模型系统的超级节点的形成过程、独立节点加入过程、节点离开过程三方面进行了详细阐述。 Hierarchical distributed trust domain model uses credibility obtained by quantitative method and synthesis rules to evaluate node trust in P2P nodes. Through previous interaction, its knowledge of the nodes deep-ens and is improved, and then it forms an inference that whether the nodes can perform the following tasks, and then uses this to guide the subsequent behavior of nodes, which enables the nodes to face smaller risks and achieve better service. This paper expounds in detail the formation process, the independent node joining process and the node leaving process of super node of this system.
作者 邢倩
机构地区 华东交通大学
出处 《科技广场》 2014年第12期98-100,共3页 Science Mosaic
关键词 节点 形成 加入 离开 Node Forming Joining Leave
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