
吻合器痔切除术与LigaSure痔切除术疗效比较的Meta分析 被引量:5

Meta-analysis of stapled hemorrhoidopexy vs Liga Sure hemorrhoidectomy
摘要 目的:通过对现有随机对照试验的Meta分析来比较吻合器痔切除术与Liga Sure痔切除术的疗效。方法:收集1966~2012年的多个数据库中符合入选标准的5项随机对照试验进行Meta分析。检测的主要指标包括手术时间、术后早期疼痛、术后尿潴留和出血、伤口问题、排便或排气失禁、肛门狭窄、住院天数、残留皮赘、痔脱垂、复发。结果:5项随机对照试验中吻合器组手术时间明显长于Liga Sure组(P〈0.000 01)。Liga Sure组残留皮赘和脱垂的发病率明显低于吻合器组(1.8%vs 15.2%;P=0.0004)。Liga Sure组患者的复发率明显低于吻合器组(1.2%vs 7.5%;P=0.003)。结论:Liga Sure痔切除术的疗效优于吻合器痔切除术。 Objective: To compare outcome of stapled hemorrhoidopexy (SH) vs LigaSure hemorrhoidectomy(LH) by a Meta-analysis of available randomized controlled trials(RCTs). Meth- odst Five randomized controlled trials were collecte from databases from 1966 to 2012, The main outcomes measured were operating time, early postoperative pain, postoperative urinary retention and bleeding, wound problems, gas or fecal incontinence, anal stenosis, length of hospital stay, residual skin tags, prolapse, and recurrence. Resuits: Among the five studies, the operating timefor SH was significantly longer than for LH (P〈0.000 01).The incidence of residual skin tags and pro lapse was significantly lower in the LH group than in the SH group (1.8% vs 15.2%, P=0.0004).The incidence of recurrence after the procedures was significantly lower in the LH group than in the SH group (1,2% vs 7.5%, P=0.003). Conelusion LigaSure might have slightly favorable immediate postoperative results and technical advantages.
作者 姚敬 佟大年
出处 《中国现代普通外科进展》 CAS 2014年第11期877-880,885,共5页 Chinese Journal of Current Advances in General Surgery
关键词 痔疮 LigaSure痔切除术 吻合器痔切除术 META分析 Hemorrhoids Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy,Stapled hemorrhoidopexy Meta-analysis
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