
高性能计算及其相关新兴技术 被引量:14

High performance computing and related new technologies
摘要 回顾高性能计算的发展历史,评述网格计算、云计算及其与高性能计算之间的关系,阐释新兴技术大数据和物联网,比较大数据、云计算与高性能计算的性能并分析其彼此间的关系.介绍代表国际高性能计算领域发展趋势的普适高性能计算以及作者在普及型高性能计算机研制方面的最新进展.指出高性能计算存在的一些难题,以及研制千万亿次以上的高性能计算机所面临的挑战. High performance computing ( HPC) has been an important force in the evolution of computing since its early stages. Various emerging technologies, such as grid computing, utility computing, service computing and cloud computing, have evolved from HPC. Firstly, we briefly review the history of HPC, compare and discusse the relationship among grid computing, cloud computing and high performance computing. Subsequently, we introduce big data and the Internet of things as two emerging technologies; the relationship and comparison among big data, cloud computing and high performance computing; and the concept of Ubiquitous high performance computing. Finally, we summarize the development of popular high performance computer, and present several challenging issues in HPC and the development of peta-flops high performance computers.
出处 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期25-31,共7页 Journal of Shenzhen University(Science and Engineering)
基金 国家自然科学基金委-广东联合项目(U1301252 61170076) 深圳市基础研究项目(JCYJ20140418095735561)~~
关键词 计算机工程 高性能计算 网格计算 云计算 大数据 物联网 computer engineering high performance computing grid computing cloud computing big data internet of things
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