目的 了解2013年11月北京市丰台区腹泻中轮状病毒和诺如病毒发病率升高的流行情况及其基因特征 方法 2013年11月在哨点医院门诊随机采集47份腹泻患者便标本、30份环境标本,使用real-time RT-PCR进行轮状病毒(rotavirus)和诺如病毒(norovirus)的筛查;并对轮状病毒阳性标本使用RT-PCR方法扩增VP4和VP7基因,扩增产物进行序列测定.使用Blast、BioEdit及Mega4.0等软件进行序列比对及基因进化分析.结果 47份粪便标本中,37份为轮状病毒检出率为78.7%(37/470,诺如病毒阳性率为14.9%(7/47),轮状病毒和诺如病毒混合感染率为10.6% (5/47);30份环境标本中,轮状病毒检出率为23.3% (7/30),未检出诺如病毒.核酸序列比对及进化分析表明此次流行的轮状病毒为G9P[8]a型,与2010-2012年北京地区感染儿童的G9株高度同源.结论 2013年11月北京市丰台区其他感染性腹泻标本中以轮状病毒检出为主,其基因型别为G9P[8]a型,检出率远高于北京市往年水平,提示应加强对轮状病毒进行监测.
Objective Analysis the prevalence of rotavirus and norovirus in non-bacterial infectious diarrhea occurred in Fentai district of Beijing during November 2013 and character the rotavirus detected in these samples.Methods Forty-seven stool specimens were collected randomly from outpatients and 30 environment samples from consulting room of hopitals.Rotavirus and norovirus were screened by real-time RT-PCR.For those rotavirus positive samples,the VP4 and VP7 gene were amplified by RT-PCR.Sequence analysis of Vp7 and Vp4 gene was performed by using the software Mega 4.0.Results Thirty-seven cases had rotavirus infection with the same G9P [8] a serotypes.Only 2 cases were identified to have norovirus infection except 5 were rotavirus and norovirus coinfection.Rotavirus was found from 7 environment samples.Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that VP7 genes in this study were highly homologous with that circulated in Beijing during 2010-2012.Conclusions The results indicated that rotavirus G9P [8] a was a major pathogen of this high incidence acute diarrhea.It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance of G9P[8] a in China.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology