
依托朋辈群体开展大学生德育的模式探究 被引量:3

On the Application Approaches of Using Peer Group Method in the Moral Education of University Students
摘要 随着朋辈教育在德育工作中的重要性和优势逐渐凸显,本文认为丰富对朋辈教育的理解并探索如何将朋辈教育理念融入实践成为了一个重要且紧要的课题。本研究首先澄清了朋辈教育的概念内涵、特点及其在德育工作中的天然优势,进而详细地阐述了朋辈教育的生效机制,并基于此,重点提出对德育工作的启发和建议。本文从朋辈德育实践中教育工作者应承担角色的角度出发,结合对外经济贸易大学心理健康教育的实践,提出了对朋辈德育的应用模式的思考。 As the importance and advantages of peer education have gradually gained more attention in the moral education field, we assumed that it is urgent to enhance understanding of peer e-ducation and explore how to apply it into practice. In this study, we clarified the concepts and characteristics of peer education and its natural advantages in moral education. We further elabo-rated on the effective mechanism of peer education. The major focus was to give suggestions for educational implication. And we used the mental health education practice of the University of In-ternational Business and Economics to illustrate our thoughts about the four crucial roles of educators in the peer education practice.
出处 《科教文汇》 2015年第1期16-17,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 对外经济贸易大学2014年党建研究课题资助
关键词 朋辈群体 朋辈教育 德育 大学生 peer group peer education moral education universi-ty students
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