
一种新型五轴联动机床的运动控制研究 被引量:4

Research on motion control of a novel 5-axis machine tool
摘要 以一种基于三坐标并联动力头的五轴联动机床为研究对象,通过矢量链方法建立机构从工作空间到关节空间的运动学模型,基于Turbo PMAC控制器设计运动控制需要的的硬件平台,在LabVIEW开发环境下基于Active X技术开发软件平台,采用驱动器增益自整定结合控制器的PID及运动学前馈方法进行伺服驱动控制,针对并联机构运动学特点,在控制器内嵌入运动学算法,经过工作空间和关节空间二次插补的方式进行轨迹控制,最后通过五轴加工实验检测伺服驱动控制和轨迹控制的有效性。 A novel 5-axis machine tool based on a three coordinate parallel power head was taken as a research object.The kinematic inverse solution of the model from work space to joint space by vector chain method was established.Hardware platform was designed based on Turbo PMAC controller and software platform developed in LabVIEW by Active X technology.The servo drive strategy of gain self-tuning control torque output in driver was adopted as well as PID control with kinematic feedforward in controller.According to the characteristics of the parallel mechanism,kinematic algorithm was embedded in the controller,the trajectory control of interpolation was used both in the workspace and joint space.The experiment of 5-axis machining shows the effectiveness of the control of servo drive and trajectory.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期51-56,共6页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家"863"高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2012AA040702) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51005164)
关键词 运动学 TURBO PMAC LabVIEW 运动控制 伺服驱动 轨迹控制 kinematics Turbo PMAC LabVIEW motion control servo drive trajectory control
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