

The Effects of Immigration on the Development of Southern Shaanxi Town from the Perspective of History and Geography
摘要 该文借陕南避灾扶贫移民工程这一契机,从历史地理学视角剖析了明、清、近代等不同历史时期陕南移民的社会背景以及移民对陕南城镇发展造成的影响,主要体现在推动城市人口数量和构成变化以及影响城镇分布,移民对城镇发展起到了积极的推动作用的同时也加剧了对自然资源的破坏,使得人地矛盾越来越突出。借鉴历史时期移民对陕南城镇发展的影响,立足当代陕南城镇存在的问题,从移民迁入地的选址、生产生活方式等方面分析移民对城镇发展的影响,进而从宏观、中观、微观三个层面提出结合移民搬迁完善城镇体系布局、在生态安全的前提下合理选址和布局、确定合理的安置规模并布置相应的设施的陕南城镇发展的适宜布局的设想。 Under the background that the immigration project for preventing disasters and supporting the poor is carded out in southern Shaanxi Province, the social context of immigration in Shaanxi Province in different historical periods, such as Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and modern times, and the influence of immigration on the development of towns and cities in southern Shaanxi Province were analyzed from the perspective of historical geography. It was found that the influence of immigration was mainly reflected on the changes in the size and composition of urban population and on the distribution of towns and cities. Though immigration has promoted the development of towns and cities, it has also aggravated the destruction of natural resources and made the contradiction between people and land more serious. By considering the influence of immigration in history on the development of towns and cities in southern Shaanxi Province and by taking into account the existing problems in the towns and cities in southern Shaanxi Province, the influence of immigration on the future development of towns and cities in southern Shaanxi Province were analyzed from the selection of settlements for immigrants, the production method and life style, etc. Then, proposals that were suitable for the development of towns and cities in southern Shaanxi Province were put forward from macro level, intermediate level and micro level, including improving the layout of the towns and cities by integrating the layout with the immigration project, selecting and designing the layout of settlements on the premise of ecological safety, deciding on a reasonable size of settlements and providing necessary facilities.
出处 《华中建筑》 2015年第2期163-167,共5页 Huazhong Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"黄土高原传统城市人居环境智慧与当代技术应用"(编号:51178370) 陕西省教育厅专项基金资助项目"近现代西安城市规划历史研究"(编号:1927-2010)(11JK0213)
关键词 历史地理 移民 陕南 城镇 History and Geography, Immigration, Southern Shaanxi, Town
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