

The War Theme in the Eyes of the Second-emigration Writers of the Russian Diaspora Literature
摘要 第二次世界大战在А.法捷耶夫、В.潘诺娃、В.涅克拉索夫、Г.巴克拉诺夫、Ю.邦达列夫、В.贝科夫、Б.瓦西里耶夫、М.肖洛霍夫以及其他作家的作品里得到了广泛的体现,其中不少作家也为广大中国读者所熟知。本文将主要研究那些在俄罗斯都不为人知或者鲜为人知的俄国作家,这些作家被命运捉弄,二战后无法回国,不得不留在德国。他们被称作侨民文学第二浪潮作家(第一浪潮是在十月革命后)。战争在Л.勒热夫斯基,Б.希里亚耶夫,М.索洛维约夫和Ю.斯列普欣的作品中得到了史诗般的呈现。近一半的知名战后侨民作家在自己的诗歌和短小体裁的散文作品中触及了战争这一题材。可以总结为对战争描述的几个方面:侨民与苏联人;战争中的俄罗斯民族性格;"两个星球之间"的处境,这种处境不仅在长篇小说中出现,在短小体裁中也较为常见。侨民文学作家将战争理解为是一场存在主义的灾难。这种世界观贯穿于老一辈作家的晚期作品;年轻一代作家则逐渐地克服了这种观念。 The Second World War has found its reflection in the Soviet literature, in the books of such writers as A. Fadeyev, V. Panova, V. Nekrasov, G. Baklanov, Yu. Bondarev, V. Bykov, B. Vasiliyev, etc. Many of these names are well known to the Chinese readers. This paper is devoted to other writers, unknown or little known even in Russia, to those who by a twist of fate came to Germany and stayed abroad after the end of the War. Now they are called the second emigration (the first was the emigration after the October revolution). First of all, the epic image of the Second World War was reflected in L. Rzhevskythe' s, B. Shiriaev' s, M. Soloviev' s and J. Slepuhin' s novels. Nearly half of the famous writers of the postwar Russian Diaspora are dedicated to the war poetry and small genres of prose. We can highlight several aspects of the war images : the exile and the Soviet people ; Russian national character in the war ; the situation "between the two stars", etc. The last one is more typical for the novels, but is also presented in some short stories. Most of the 6~migr6 writers represented the War as an existential catastrophe. This attitude among the older generation of DP writers maintained throughout their subsequent works. The younger generation gradually overcame it through the years.
机构地区 不详 北京师范大学
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2015年第1期16-22,共7页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 战后侨民 文学 悲观主义 乐观主义 和谐 postwar emigrants literature pessimism optimism harmony
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