
乌兰察布市人间布鲁杆菌病按照地理位置划分病区的探讨 被引量:1

Brucellosis in Wulanchabu city to study geography ward
摘要 目的了解内蒙古乌兰察布市布鲁杆菌病(简称布病)的疫情及其地区分布特征,根据人问布病疫情轻重在地理位置上标识划分病区。方法以2005-2012年全市11个旗县布病网络报告病人的详细资料为依据,按照以乡镇为单位统计各旗县8年累计布病报告病例数,以乡镇人口总数为基数,统计全市每个旗县各个乡镇的累计布病报告率。按照各乡镇累计布病报告率的高低,划分病区的轻重,在乌兰察布市地图上用各种颜色在相应的地理位置上标明病区的轻重程度。结果全市11个旗县104个乡镇8年共累计报告布病病例20178例,全市人口2866361人,全市累计布病报告率为0.70%。其中四子王旗、察右后旗、化德县、商都县、察右中旗累计布病报告率较高分别为1.90%、1.24%、1.21%、1.17%、0.90%:凉城县、集宁区、丰镇市、察右前旗、卓资县、兴和县累计布病报告率较低分别为0.20%、0.22%、0.31%、0.38%、0.38%、0.40%,累计布病报告率均在0.50%以下。前山地区累计布病报告率0.31%(5345/1697183)与后山地区累计布病报告率1.27%(14833/1169178)比较,x~9004.90,P〈O.05。根据以乡镇为单位统计累计布病报告率,按照其累计布病报告率的不同,将104个乡镇划分为1~5级,其中极轻度的有50个乡镇,轻度的有20个乡镇,中度的有12个乡镇,重度的有9个乡镇,极重度的有13个乡镇。结论后山地区比前山地区布病疫情较重,按照地理位置划分病区对乌兰察布市的各个旗县根据不同的疫情现状采取相应的防治措施具有指导意义。对其它地区划分布病疫情有借鉴作用。 Objective Inner Mongolia understanding of brucellosis in Wulanchabu city (the disease) epidemic situation and its regional distribution, according to the severity of human brucellosis in identifying divided geographically. Methods The details of the 2005-2012 year the city 11 town of brucellosis patients network report as the basis, in accordance with the township as a unit statistics counties 8 year cumulative number of reported cases of brucellosis, the township population statistics as the base, each of the city's banner county each villages and towns accumulated report rate of brucellosis. According to the township accumulated brucellosis report rate, the severity degree of division ward, mark ward in the corresponding location with a variety of colors in the map of Wulanchabu city. Results The city's 11 counties of 104 villages and towns 8 years total report brucellosis case 20178 cases, the city's population of 2866361 people, the city's total brucellosis report rate was 0.70%. Among them Siziwangqi, Chayouhouqi, Huade County, Shangdu County, chayouzhongqi cumulative brucellosis reported higher rates were 1.90%, 1.24%, 1.21%, 1.17%, 0.90%; Liangcheng County, Jining District, Fengzhen City, Chayouqian banner, Zhuozi County, county accumulative brucellosis report lower rates were 0.20%, 0.22%, 0.31%, 0.38%, 0.38%, 0.40%, the cumulative brucellosis report rate is below 0.50%. Before the mountain area accumulated brucellosis report rate was 0.31% (5 345/1 697 183) and mountain area accumulated brucellosis report rate of 1.27% (14 833/1 169 178), x%9004.90, P〈0.05. According to the township as a unit statistics accumulated brucellosis report rate, according to the cumulative rate of brucellosis report, 104 towns and villages into 1~5, which extremely mild has 50 villages and towns, 20 townships in mild, moderate and severe of 12 towns, 9 townships, extremely severe 13 villages and towns. Conclusions The mountain area than brucellosis before the mountain area is heavy, in accordance with the geographical division of each county area of Wulanchabu city based on the epidemic situation of different corresponding prevention measures have guiding significance. With reference to other region brucellosis.
出处 《疾病监测与控制》 2015年第1期4-7,共4页 Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
基金 卫生部2013-2015布病防治联系点(卫办疾函[2013]63号)
关键词 布鲁杆菌病 地理位置 病区划分 Brucellosis The geographical position Ward Division
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