
面向空间容延迟网络的网关设计与仿真 被引量:1

Design and simulation of gateway for spatial delay-tolerate networks
摘要 针对高延迟、高误码和链路频繁中断的空间信息网络,设计了能够适应空间网络环境的容延迟网络(DTN)网关,在OPNET仿真平台下对网关进行建模,并对基于该网关的空间信息网络进行仿真.DTN协议体系以"存储转发"为核心思想,结合空间数据系统咨询委员会(CCSDS)提出的适用于空间环境的传输层协议和数据链路协议,以保证空间网络数据传输的可靠性.仿真结果表明,使用DTN网关能够显著降低空间信息网络数据传输的丢包率,增强通信的可靠性,表现出良好的适用性. Spatial information network (SIN) is one of the delay tolerant networks (DTN) stressed by large delays, high bit error rate and intermittent connectivity. In the paper, the gateway for SIN is designed, modeled and simu-lated in operational tracking network(OPNET) based on the framework of DTN. The gateway supports store-and-forward which is the main idea of DTN, and it is designed with reference to transmission protocols and data link protocols proposed by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Sys- tems (CCSDS) to improve transmission reliability of SIN. Simulation results show that DTN gateway is practical to SIN and enhances the reliability of communication which significantly reduces the rate of pack- age loss due to stress of SIN.
出处 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期112-119,124,共9页 Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:60903195) 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目(编号:2011CDA042) 通信网信息传输与分发技术重点实验室开放课题(编号:ITD-U12005/K1260011)
关键词 空间信息网络 容延迟网络 DTN网关 OPNET spatial information networks delay-tolerant networks DTN gateway OPNET
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