
广义虚拟经济视角下的传媒并购与发展 被引量:4

The M&A and Development of Media Industry under the Perspective of Generalized Virtual Economy
摘要 最近两年,我国传媒业进入前所未有的并购活跃期,跨行业、跨地域、跨所有制的并购接连不断。总体来看,无论是理论研究还是产业实践,目前国内传媒企业的并购与发展基本上仍是以自我为中心的物本思维模式主导,大多遵循以成本领先、差异化或聚焦为基本点的传统竞争战略。在新的市场环境和技术条件下,如果以广义虚拟经济的视角来观察分析,可以发现传媒业的并购尚未充分满足受众的心理需求,在经营题材、集聚人气、创新商业模式、提升虚拟价值等方面存有较大空间。如果以广义虚拟经济理论指引并购与整合,则传媒业有望在新经济时代创造更大价值,扮演更为重要的角色。 China’s media industry entered into an unprecedented active M&A period in these two years. The M&As which cross industry, regional and ownership pattern occurred continuously. Generally speaking, the leading thinking model of current M&As and the development of domestic media enterprises is self-centered both in theoretical research and industrial practice. Most of the M&As follow the traditional competitive strategies of cost leadership, differentiation and focus. In the new market environment and technical conditions, we can ifnd the M&As of media industry can’t fully meet the psychological needs of the audience under the perspective of generalized virtual economy. There is a big gap between the ideal and reality in terms of business theme, attention gathering, business model innovation, improvement of virtual value etc.. If we use the theory of generalized virtual economy to guide the M&As, the media industry is expected to create more value in the new economic era and play a more important role.
作者 刘伟勋
机构地区 中国航空报社
出处 《广义虚拟经济研究》 2014年第4期89-96,共8页 Research on the Generalized Virtual Economy
关键词 传媒 并购 虚拟价值 广义虚拟经济 media industry merger and acquisition virtual value generalized virtual economy
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