

Guipi Decoction Plus Shuxuening+Kunxian Capsule combined with Western Medicine Treatment of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Complicated with Chronic Heart Failure:Report of 1 Cases
摘要 混合性结缔组织病合并慢性心功能不全累及全身多个器官,若不及时治疗,可导致患者死亡。报告1例经归脾汤+舒血宁+昆仙胶囊联合补充电解质、保护胃黏膜、强心、扩血管、控制心室率、改善肺动脉高压、利尿消肿、减轻心脏负荷及抗炎抑制免疫等治疗,病情稳定,逐步康复。重视早期积极治疗控制原发病,使其不向更为严重的方向发展,其并发症才可以从根本上得到缓解。辨证联合中药治疗,能够有效地增强激素作用,降低毒副作用,缓解临床症状。 Mixed connective tissue disease with chronic cardiac insufficiency involving multiple organs, if left untreated, can lead to death, we treated the disease patient by guipi soup+ shuxuening + kunxian capsule joint electrolytes, protecting gastric mucosa, Dilating blood vessels, strengthening heart, controling ventricular rate, improving pulmonary hypertension, Promoting urination, reducing heart load and its anti-inflammatory immune therapy, such as in a stable, condition and gradually recovered. Early aggressive treatment of the primary disease is very important to control the primary disease, so as not to more serious direction, its complications can be fundamentally relieved.Combined traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) syndrome differentiation treatment, can effectively enhance the hormone effect, reduce side effects, relieve the clinical symptoms.
作者 耿健 汲泓
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第11期117-118,123,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 混合性结缔组织病 慢性心功能不全 归脾汤 舒血宁 昆仙胶囊 中西医结合治疗 病例报告 Mixed connective tissue disease Chronic heart failure Guipi Decoction Shuxuening Kunxiancapsule Therapy of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine Case report
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