
用于光纤水听器降噪的自适应滤波器 被引量:3

The Adaptive Filter Using in Fiber Hydrophone for Noise Cancellation
摘要 分析了自适应滤波器的原理和算法流程,在Labview软件中采用自适应滤波中的噪声抵消方法对实验中的光纤水听器阵列内的单元数据进行了处理,结果表明在静态目标检测中,可以在不降低信号强度的情况下,将整体噪声水平降低10dB,从而可以得到清晰的阵列波束图;在对拖曳噪声数据的处理中,噪声也得到了明显的抑制。因此,将自适应滤波器用于光纤水听器传感信号的后处理有一定的应用价值。 The theory and algorithm process of adaptive filter are analyzed. By using noise cancellation method in adaptive filter the data of element in fiber hydrophone array are processed in Labview software, the result shows that the overall noise level in the statistic object detection can be decreased by 10 dB without reducing the signal intensity, thereby obtaining clear array beam pattern ;during the process of the drag noise data the noise level is controlled obviously. Therefore, it is valuable to use adaptive filter in signal processing of fiber hydrophone.
出处 《光纤与电缆及其应用技术》 2014年第3期37-40,共4页 Optical Fiber & Electric Cable and Their Applications
基金 上海市科学技术委员会资助项目(11dz1205700)
关键词 自适应滤波器 降噪 光纤水听器 adaptive filter noise cancellation fiber hydrophone
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