As he gave an account of himself in his poem ,“Half of my life has been in a carriage or a boat travelling”, which, can be a truthful depiction , Li Liweng(1611-1680 ) kept moving and travelling through-out his life .Long-distance travels alone amounted to five times:the earliest one was the journey to Yue ( cur-rently Guangdong province) during the third and fourth years under Kangxi ’s reign, right after which, was the tour from the Capital to Jin and Qin( currently Shanxi Province and Shaanxi Province ) from the fifth to the sev-enth years under Kangxi ’ s reign; He went back to Jinling ( currently Nanjing city )then and stayed there for more than one year , and was on his way again to Min ( currently Fujian province ) in the ninth year under Kan-gxi’ s regin;One year later , he visited Chu ( currently central China and part of west China ); His final long journey was a revisit to the Capital during the twelfth and thirteenth years under Kangxi ’ s reign .Besides , e-ven when he was 68 years old, being sick and poverty-stricken, he had a trip to Huzhou city.A travel is most probably a happy event for most people , while for Liweng , it was a bitter experience;A journey is to see the world and enrich their life experiences , or to appreciate the splendid scenery of the Nature without worrying a-bout accommodations for others , while for Liweng , a journey was to find food , just like herdsmen , who have to“move from place to place in search of water and grass”;Others travel because they have to “help digestion”with a full stomach, while Liweng had to go out for food, with an empty stomach, which, as he indicated in his works ,“travelling around China driven by hunger”.It is sure that there were joys following hard life , as he said “hunger drove me to travel around, I, however , enjoyed places of scenic beauty”; by travelling a-round , he harvested not only food , but also literary works and friendship .To sum up , bitterness accompanied by joys in his travelling .
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
Li Liweng
food searching
hard journey
joys among bitterness