Scholars from Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are now drafting the General Princi- ples of the Cross-Strait Quad Regions Model Contact Law. The compilation of the first version of the draft of this model law has been finished, and the revision for a second version is now in progress. Because of the differ- ences in their contract laws, the judges in these four regions always encounter with conflicts of legal applica- tions on disputes raised in the trades between two of these regions. Compiling a model contract law which meets the fundamental principles of the modem contract law and the trading customs of the referred regions can not only set a good example for the legislations on contract law in the regions above, but also provide the applicable law for the cross - strait disputes solving. It will certainly help to promote the construction of legal regime and bring benefits to all habitants in these regions. The draft of the General Principles of the Cross-Strait Quad Regions Model Contract Law lists a lot of concrete rules within the 17 chapters.
Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
Cross-Strait Quad Regions, Contact Law, Model Law, the General Principles, Content