

Influencing Factors of Subscriber's Responsive Expectation to Operator
摘要 消费者在选择运营商前会对几个运营商在价格、服务、用户感知等方面做一定的了解,从而形成自己的预期并做出选择。不同的用户预期在不同的市场竞争环境中对平台的定价行为、平台均衡配置及获利能力都有一定影响。本文采用网上发布问卷与街头随机发放问卷的方法,对380名手机用户做了预期影响因素的问卷调查,应用SPSS与SmartPLS软件对数据进行了信效度分析、路径分析与显著性分析,得出了影响用户预期的因素及影响程度。结合本文分析的结论,为移动互联网运营商进行预期管理提供了建议。 For forming their expectations to make the final decision, consumers can gather information about the prices, services and user perceptions of several operators before their final decision. Subscribers' expectations in different market competitive environment affect the pricing behavior, the equilibrium configuration and the profitability of the platform. This study researched 380 mobile phone subscribers about the influence factors of expectation by taking the online questionnaire and street random questionnaire method. By applying SPSS and SmartPLS, the reliability and validity analysis,path analysis and significance analysis are implemented,with a conclusion about what factors affect subscriber's expectation and their influence degree. Suggestions are provided to the mobile internet operators for their expectation management.
作者 常蕾 陆伟刚
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期120-126,共7页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“三网融合模式下电信运营商竞争策略设计与公共政策:基于双边市场理论的研究”(71173172)
关键词 响应性预期 结构方程模型 影响因子 responsive expectation structural equation model impact factor
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