
发展内贸流通 促进社会经济转型升级 被引量:7

Develop Domestic Trade Circulation and Promote Social Economic Transformation and Upgrade
摘要 内贸流通作为扩大内需一个非常重要的组成部分,在我国经济转型升级过程中具有非常重要的基础作用、战略作用与支撑作用。内贸流通的健康发展或创新发展,是带动内需增长的关键,也是推动社会经济发展转型升级的关键。当前,我国发展内贸流通需要从三个方面着手推进:一是引导消费升级,要通过消费升级来释放我国13亿人口巨大的潜在需求,形成我国经济新的增长点,形成我国扩大就业新的空间,形成改善民生好的条件。当前,必须把握好国民素质加快提升的趋势,引导消费升级,要从提高国民身体素质、文化素质、生活素质或者说生活质量等方面入手,全面提高国民素质,实现消费升级。二是营造良好的消费环境和营商环境,着眼于完善内贸流通法律法规、加快商贸流通基础设施建设、促进政府简政放权,打造一个更加方便、更加规范、更加开放、更加具有活力的市场环境和流通环境,营造良好的营商环境与消费环境。三是完善内贸流通体系,推动电子商务、物流配送、连锁经营更好地实现有机结合,形成一个更加科学的现代内贸流通方式,实现流通方式的转型升级,促进内贸流通健康发展。 As the important components in stimulating domestic demand,domestic trade circulation is playing the significant fundamental, strategic and supporting role in China's economic transformation and upgrade. The health development or innovative development of domestic trade circulation is the key for us to lead the growth of domestic demand;it is also the key for us to promote social economic transformation and upgrade. At present,China's domestic circulation should be promoted from three aspects. The first is to lead the upgrade of consumption. We should stimulate the potential demand of 1.3 billion Chinese people by consumption upgrade,form new economic growth points,expand more space for employment,and create sound condition for the improvement of livelihood. We should improve people's quality in terms of physical quality,cultural quality, and livelihood quality. Second,we should create the sound environment for consumption and business operation. We should perfect related laws and regulations,accelerate the fundamental construction and promote simplifying administrative procedures and delegating powers to lower levels to create a more convenient,standardized,open and vigorous market and circulation environment,and a sound environment for business operation and consumption. Third,we should perfect the system of domestic trade circulation. We should promote the combination of e-commerce,logistics,and chain operation to form a scientific and modern domestic trade circulation pattern,realize the transformation and upgrade of circulation pattern,and promote the sound development of domestic trade circulation.
作者 蔡进
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期21-24,共4页 China Business and Market
关键词 内贸流通 消费升级 营商环境 转型升级 domestic trade circulation consumption upgrade environment for business operation transformation and up-grade
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