The practical philosophies of Aristotle and Hobbes are theoretical reflections, from two different perspectives, upon the following basic fact of moral life: There are diverse ideas as to what constitutes moral goodness. Moral pluralism and relativism prompt Aristotle to ask the following question: What is the human good in itself ? Therefore, he embarks on the path of ethics, and establishes his political inquiry on the foundation of his ethics. Hobbes, however, is more concerned with the practical consequence of moral pluralism and relativism, i.e. conflicts between different agents. The question he asks is thus: How should we avoid conflicts? Therefore, he bypasses ethics and embarks, directly, on the path of politics. In other words, compared with the method of Aristotle's practical philosophy, that of Hobbes' suspends the ethical foundation of political inquiry. This essay attempts to interpret this suspension, with a view to revealing the manifestation, cause and consequence of this new method of practical philosophy.
Academic Monthly